Health myths are always around us, no matter where you go. Humans have always taken their time to create them. The most popular would be ‘Cracking joints causes arthritis,’ ‘Being cold gives you cold,’ or ‘Cholesterol-rich food is harmful.’
At our physical therapy clinic, we handle patients with knee pain, and they have plenty of myths to tell us. Those myths need to be burst now. So, today, we will discuss the popular myths about knee pain and tell you the truth behind them.
Facts About The Knee and Knee Pain
How common is knee pain? You can estimate the prevalence of this condition from a survey conducted by AmericanFamilyPhysicians, which reported that approximately 25% of adults worldwide suffer from knee pain. Let’s see some of the knee facts:
- The knees are the most stressed joints of the body as they absorb shocks daily.
- This joint relies on ten muscles to work, which makes it prone to injuries and daily wear and tear.
- Knees are usually the most used part of the body in sports like badminton, football, badminton, squash, taekwondo, judo, and basketball.
- It’s common for knees to start pain if you overuse the muscles and engage more in physical activities. The knee pain from biking is the most common injury.
7 Most Popular Myths About Knee Pain
We all have heard some of the following myths about knee pain. Let’s see how much truth is in them.
1. “Running can damage the knees.”
It’s one of the most common and believed chronic knee pain myths that running can causes of knee pain. It’s false. Running is healthy for long-term joint health. It keeps the muscles stronger and bones healthier. Jogging and running make the knee stronger by promoting healthy cartilage.
2. “Knee Pain is an inevitable part of aging.”
No, aging is not directly related to knee pain. When you age, you become more prone to injuries and health issues that might cause knee pain, but old age itself does not indicate knee pain. Some older people may have stronger knees than young people. It all depends on how well you take care of the knee.
3. “Knee Pain means there is a direct problem in your knee.”
The popular myth is that pain is caused by some knee issues. In reality, the knee doesn’t transmit pain to other body parts, but it can take the stress and strain from surrounding muscles. So unless swelling or tender pain comes from the knee, the cause of pain could be weight gain, muscle tightening, or pelvic and hip pain. That’s why it’s recommended to take the hip and knee pain relief treatments.
4. “It’s not serious; you need to push through it.”
This myth is rather dangerous than being false. It’s a myth that knee pain eventually disappears if you ignore it enough. In reality, you shouldn’t ignore knee pain and get it checked to avoid it becoming severe. You don’t have to push through it because it may damage the knee in the long run.
5. “Knee pain won’t come after you if you won’t run or play sports.”
Most people believe they won’t even develop knee pain if they don’t exercise or engage in sports. In reality, people who have no or less physical activity are more likely to develop knee pain and physical weakness.
6. “Physical activities increase knee pain.”
It’s 2024, and people still believe your knee will feel better if you avoid outdoor activities and intense sports. It’s one of the most popular knee pain and exercise myths. If you have pain, you don’t have to be on bed rest to relieve it. Low-impact exercise and physical therapy are two of the most effective ways to ease the pain healthily. If knee pain is caused by sports, you need to seek sports injury therapy.
7. “Surgery is the only way to relieve pain.”
Thinking that surgery is the only treatment to ease knee pain is one of the myths that have kept people from seeking medical attention for years. It’s not true. Surgery may be the last resort based on the severity of your condition, but knee pain can be treated with physical therapy, exercises, stretches, warm-ups, and many more.
How We Can Help You!
Now, wash away all the myths about knee pain and get it treated. We are a dedicated physical therapy place for all of your pains. If you are struggling with knee pain, hire a physical therapist for further advice. Our professional PTs will guide you about your condition and make a recovery plan based on your preferences. Consider physical therapy before going for knee surgery.